Frequently asked questions

1. can be canceled monthly

2. minimum term of 3 months (with 5% discount)

3. minimum term of 6 months (with 10% discount)

You can take out your subscription for the following month until the last day of the current month.

Example: If you order the drop on. January 7 you will receive the first drop for February.

The shipping costs are €4.95 and are sent with DHL.

The LURE DROP is published on the 1st of every month and is sent out on the following working day (not on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays).

After dispatch, we will inform you by email & you will also receive the DHL tracking code.

You can cancel the subscription in the customer center after the minimum contract term has expired.

You can access the customer center via the link in the email you received from us. Click there on "Manage subscription" and you will be taken to the customer center. You do NOT need a password or user name for this.

Please note that notice must always be given in the previous month.

Yes, the subscription is automatically renewed month by month.

If you have taken out a 3- or 6-month subscription, you are bound to the minimum term. After that, the subscription is automatically renewed each month for a further month until you cancel the subscription.

Nein, leider nicht. Aus organisatorischen Gründen können wir dir den LURE DROP nur per Paket zukommen lassen. Normale Bestellung im Shop können aber, wie gewohnt, auch persönlich abgeholt werden.

Nein, das Abo ist momentan leider außerhalb Deutschlands nicht verfügbar.

Für Auslandsbestellungen kannst du den Einmalkauf über den Onlineshop vornehmen.

You must order at least two days before the new LURE DROP is published in order to receive it by subscription..


The new drop will be released on April 1. You must therefore order by March 30 at the latest so that your subscription still includes the drop for April. It is not possible to order on March 31.

In our e-mails you will often find the link “Manage subscription” - this will take you to the customer administration. If you can't find the link, you can request it again HERE.